The Fire Within

The Fire Within – Intuition

I have been receiving repeated messages lately, only confirmed by today’s card. Here’s what I wrote about this card, culled from the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams:

49 – Salmon – Wisdom/Inner Knowing

Trust your gut feeling and inner knowing right now. When you honor the wisdom inside of you, you will not go wrong. Salmon’s message is one of gathering information from all of life’s experiences, the challenging and easy ones, and knowing that wisdom is created from these situations. Honor your path and listen to your inner voice. Embrace and follow your authentic feelings. Connect to your own inner determination and instinct, and swim back to the place of your creation.

What an empowering message! It aligns perfectly with these “new” writings on The Fire Within. Intuition is a repeating theme for me right now, I even wrote an article about it for my dear friends at the Canadian Academy of Therapeutic Arts, for their August Newsletter and blog…check that out here. There is a course on developing your Intuition starting in the fall, which I highly recommend. Connect to that here.

Intuition is the connection to our inner fire. It is receiving inspiration from a deep place within us, a place of knowing and wisdom, as Salmon says. Intuition is that quiet inner voice that whispers to us, that communicates directly from our spirit and soul. Intuition is feeling-based information and so it is easy to disregard. But intuition is truth on a very energetic level that we have access to, if we listen.

Intuition is our personal guiding system and links directly to our greater purpose in life. It is unique, and special, and ours. Nobody can give you the right answers, they can merely sometimes guide you there. You know inside what is right for you, and this is intuition. This is the inner knowing and this is valuable information. Somehow the Universe is guiding me right back to my Intuition right now, for some reason I can only feel.

Personally, I try to live my life by my intuition. I have learned the hard way that when I disregard my gut, I lose. It is not always easy, especially when logically, what I am sensing does not make sense. But when did life ever really make sense anyway?

I have made a pact with myself to do this very thing that Salmon recommended to me and everyone this morning. To follow my inner knowing and wisdom. I have had a plethora of life experiences in my 41 years of life. I am not afraid to say I have some wisdom going on. Part of my purpose in life is to communicate that wisdom, and hope to inspire, help and console others who struggle on the path of life. This I know and I will not waver from it. The fire within me won’t let that happen.

Salmon are amazing animals. I have seen them swimming to reach their spawning place. These amazing fish swim against the current upstream, towards creation. Once they get there, they spawn and die. Salmon know who they are, and what they were created for, and have the determination to swim against incredible odds to get to their end point. This is a powerful lesson and I am thankful to Salmon to have a felt sense of this today.

So here’s to the wisdom of the fire within. Let us all swim where we need to go, along our own unique river.

Jodie xo

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