~The Nature of Healing~

© Jodie Cara Lindley

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” ~Helen Keller~

As a healer, there has been more than one occasion where I have reflected on just exactly what does healing entail. How does healing happen? What are the determining factors by which healing occurs? What is my responsibility as a healer, to my clients? Being a healer can carry a heavy burden at times. I somehow often feel responsible for my clients’ welfare and progress. There has been many occasions where I felt not good enough, I wasn’t creating healing for my clients. But what I came to know after years of this work, is that healing is a two-way street: there needs to be a receiving and giving component of healing. The person needs to truly receive what is given.

My responsibility is to create the space for healing. I have to intuit what the person needs, both from their end and from guidance I receive. I have to set up a “sacred space” that has the right conditions for healing. This is a challenge, especially given I do not have the luxury to have a powerful healing cabin deep in the woods, to work from! I also have to live by a clock, by appointments and by scheduling. Healing knows no time or schedule. In my perfect world, I would give two hours for each session to allow optimal conditions for healing. Stay tuned on that one!

What I have also learned, is that I am a facilitator of healing. I do not have the power of healing within me, it moves through me. My job is to be a clear vessel for powers that are much stronger than I, to work through. I can also only lighten the load, if even for a moment: what creates the stress or disharmony is up to my clients to ultimately balance. I can offer suggestions and guidance but what is causing the root of the dis-ease needs to be dealt with by the recipient. I can help with what that is, but I can’t make it go away on my own. Healing is a true cooperation between the forces of yin and yang: the giving and the receiving.

Healing ultimately requires a change in consciousness. For example, shamanic healing involves the shaman going into a state of altered consciousness, to seek the nature of the disharmony, find a lost part of the person’s self, or restore a power energy needed by the client. This highlights the fact that sometimes we have to change our perception to get to the root of the problem. A shaman helps us do that. Remember that quote by Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. To heal something requires a shift in how we see and what we see. Then we can open the space for something different.

What I have also learned is that healing cannot be predicted, it can only be hoped for. A problem may be worked at for hours, days, weeks or years. Again, time is not a factor in healing. It really requires a shift of energy, from one state of being to another. The psyche of a disharmony or disease needs a different template to work from. Then something new can be written.

They say that love heals all. I believe this. Love, and especially self-love, is a most powerful healing consciousness to be in. Miracles can occur with the consciousness of love. With love around, there is space for nothing else. This love state is the best state healers can work from, because from this state anything can happen.

The nature of healing, is that we need to return to our true nature. This I feel is the optimum goal in a healing setting. This is what I strive for in my sessions, to provide for others. Healing is actually a very simple thing in itself. Too bad it is we that make it so complicated.

© Jodie Cara Lindley, www.earthskyjourneys.org


“Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.” ~Desmond Tutu~

 IMG_1517We are in a potent time, energetically speaking. A recent New Moon in Pisces, Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox are bringing shifts for us all. Yesterday, I lead a large group through the process of Shamanic Journeying to celebrate the new energies, and have since received some insights. I have added this new column to my blog, “Reflections”. And so, I will.

What I feel the most lately, is the influence of the New Moon in Pisces. Of course the Eclipse and Equinox energies go hand-in-hand with this New Moon, in fact making it all the more powerful. But the New Moon was the start, or impulse, of this new cycle. Since I am a Pisces by Sun sign, I know this Piscean energy well.

The New Moon was in the last degrees of Pisces, the 29th degree. In astrology, this is the degree of death or endings. So some lesson has to be learned, experienced and surrendered. Pisces is a soulful, creative, and sensitive sign. It is also the last sign of the zodiac, a sign all about surrender, spirituality, unity, peace and divinity. It is also about compassion and forgiveness.

I will share with you personally now. In my own life I have been confronted with resolution. I have asked for and given forgiveness. I have asked for and given compassion. I needed to deal with these tender, sensitive feelings that I have locked away, and let them flow out like a wave. This all, in order for me to move forward, and be clear in my greater life purpose. All very Piscean imagery! It hasn’t been easy, but I see the greater wisdom in it all.

Forgiveness is the ultimate act of love. I now feel like this New Moon asks for us all to forgive, both others and ourselves. This gives us a chance to move forward. As we move through this next cycle of growth, it brings peace to know that we can start anew. What is humbling, is to admit that we are indeed human, and we error. But we are all worthy of love, understanding and compassion: and most especially from ourselves.

So I hope all you reading out there reach a place of acceptance of your life lessons, as of late. Oftentimes we are stuck because we haven’t released what we are holding onto. At this time, the cosmos seem to be asking for a surrendering of our most tender and vulnerable feelings. I hope for a safe landing for us all.

©Jodie Cara Lindley